
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Discounts: L'Occitane Announces Friends & Family Discount

Well it seems the season for extending friends and family discounts is upon us. On the heels of Urban Decay's generous offer comes L'Occitane with their 25 percent discount, which starts today and extends until Sunday (11/15/09). What's nice about their offer is that you can get it online (code: FNFT) and in stores. So, for those of us with a local L'Occinate shop, we can pocket the shipping and buy extra! To get the discount in stores follow @LOCCITANE on Twitter, print up the discount tweet, and present it at your store! Happy perfumed shopping! May you and your home smell absolutely fancy!

I stopped by on my lunch break and scored the Citrus Verbena solid perfume and the Cinammon Orange incense sticks.

I may go back because I kind of want this hand indulgences set. 

Also, if recall correctly, I noticed a sign with some nice little free gifts when you spend $40. Alas, I only ended up spending $15.


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